Buying a home is one of the most expensive and personal investments you will ever make. Knowing this, why would you ever take a chance at not knowing exactly what you’re walking into? No matter if it was constructed in 1950 or 2021, every home has its defects. And overall, you’ll find that it’s worth it to get a second opinion from a professional. Home buyers will often walk into a home thinking that a creak here or a crack there is no big deal. A quality home inspection may show “minor” problems that will lead to huge issues down the road.
On another note, with buyers scheduling so many home inspections, sellers should think about investing in a home inspection as well. This will save a lot of back and forth in negotiations if both parties have conducted a thorough home inspection and are in agreement on the condition of the home and its worth. Your home inspector will point out the good, the bad, and the things that could get worse. When it comes to the safety of yourself and your family, our second opinion is always worth it.

The home inspection is a systematic visual evaluation of a home's current condition by a trained & certified professional to help the potential buyer reduce and manage risks. For the seller we help find defects/deficiencies prior to listing the home. The inspection is not nor should be construed as a home warranty or guarantee against component failure and life expectancy. The home inspection report is a written and unbiased document communicating the inspectors opinion of the condition of the home and it's operational systems at the time of the home inspection. If a problem or a symptom of a problem is found the home inspector will include a description and picture of the problem in the report and may recommend further evaluation.
Home Inspections are important for different reasons depending on whether you are buying or selling a home.
Home Buyers: Emotion often affects the buyer and makes it hard to imagine any problems with their new home. A buyer needs a home inspection to find out all of the problems possible with the home before moving in.
Home Sellers: More and more sellers are choosing to have a thorough inspection before they first list their home. First and foremost, you should have a home inspection for full disclosure. You will have demonstrated that you did all you could do to reveal any defects within the home. Second, you will save money and hassle by knowing now what your defects are, not after you have already negotiated and are faced with costly repairs discovered on the buyers inspection. Defects found before the buyer comes along allow you to shop around for a contractor and not deal with inflated estimates that a buyer will present.